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Experts predict Europe «long years of pain»

ноября, 23 2020
watermark Economic news

Analyzing the current state of affairs in Europe, experts note that the growth of corporate debts risks turning the region into long «years of pandemic pain».

Analysts are confident that after the crisis support from the state ends, there will be a risk of a wave of defaults and bankruptcies, which will hit the banking sector and further exacerbate the economic downturn.

Debt burden can hinder investment and job creation for years to come. In the first half of this year, eurozone companies borrowed more than 400 billion euros, compared with 289 billion euros for the whole of 2019.

The European Commission has warned that debt servicing could be challenging, especially in the sectors hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Experts note that paying off the debt accumulated during the pandemic is the second largest problem for business.

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