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EU and UK finally reach a compromise on relations after Brexit

декабря, 25 2020
watermark Economic news

Last night, the UK and the European Union finally managed to reach an agreement before the end of the transition period (until 1 January 2021). However, there is still a possibility that Britain for a short period of time will find itself in a third country position in relation to the EU.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the agreement reached will help to avoid interruption of key links between the UK and the EU and will ensure fair access to the common market and balanced conditions for fisheries.

The EU's chief negotiator on Brexit, Michel Barnier, said that the agreement includes several points, including the preservation of free trade, visa-free travel, balanced access to markets and maritime resources, and the possibility of coordinating sanctions. He also noted that London did not agree to the development of common positions with the European Union on foreign policy and defense, but supported the synchronization of the sanctions regimes.

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