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Macri’s Reforms Showed Signs for Economic Resurgence in Argentina

февраля, 27 2017
watermark Economic news

The economy of Argentina beefed up by 1.6% during the month of December compared with last month result according to the data from the government. This growth provided hints about the country’s possible expansion for the fourth quarter subsequent to an extensive economic depression. The Argentine Republic declined to 0.1% in December on an annualized basis and down by 2.3% in 2016 versus 2015. However, the current President of the country, Mauricio Macri executed several market-oriented reforms with a purpose of economic liberalization and inspiring additional investments which further influenced rampant inflation in the short-term.

The monthly development took place in December demonstrates the projected rebound of the economy in Q4 of 2016 following the four consecutive worst quarters. The INDEC, national statistics agency based in Buenos Aires, said the GDP data for Q4 is scheduled to release immediately after the nearby month.

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