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Expected Shift in Crude Futures as Much as $2B Will Put an End to Oil Glut

февраля, 27 2017

In the upcoming week, the passive investment funds are expected to rise to $2 billion from long-term to short-term crude futures, while the energy market surges after OPEC output reduced its supply. This is expected to put an end to global oil glut accumulated over two years of price war. Excessive oil supply in international inventories drove the prices to multiple year lows.

The Brent contract LCOK7 price established at $56.31 a barrel on May, while the LCOM7 price settled at $56.55 a barrel in June.On the other hand, the limit for the West Texas Intermediate crude remains the same. The gap between the first month and the subsequent month on Brent contracts LCOc1-LCOc2 has tightened from 79 cents down to 5 cents. However, both June and December contracts LCOM7-Z7 traded closely on Friday.

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