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Germany announced almost complete completion of Nord Stream 2

июня, 04 2021
watermark Economic news

Klaus Ernst, chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Economics and Energy, said that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was almost completed, despite strong US resistance.

Ernst also noted that this project is strongly «beyond the economic situation.» It makes it clear to both the German and European sides that they can implement the necessary projects, even despite strong pressure from different sides. Resistance from the United States in permitting construction was very strong and it was associated with the threat of European sovereignty.

As a reminder, the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline envisages the construction of two gas pipeline strings with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year from the Russian coast through the Baltic Sea to Germany. The United States actively opposes the project, promoting its liquefied natural gas to the European Union, as well as Ukraine and a number of European countries.

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