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Canada’s Morneau to Promote Canadian Economy in US

марта, 17 2017
watermark Economic news

Canadian Federal Finance Minister, Bill Morneau is preparing for disclosing the details regarding his second budget scheduled next Wednesday, March 22nd. The budget is tabled in the House of Commons by which senators and members of the parliaments from Canada are expected to attend the 3-day meeting in the US. The meeting will also be attended by more than 70 lawmakers from the United States with the purpose of boosting economic interest of Canada.

According to Wayne Easter, a member of the Liberal party and head of Canada-United States Inter-parliamentary group said that the trip is intended for discussing the plan for the two economies and not primarily for the budget date.

The 67-year old Easter also stated that they were able to make some progress, however, there are other relevant issues that deal with challenges.

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