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Denmark Repayment of Debt after 183 Years

марта, 20 2017
watermark Economic news

The Scandinavian country, Denmark is scheduled to pay off its latest foreign currency loans with an amount of $1.5bn at the present moment. Freeing the nation from any debt obligations regarding FX which will happen for the first time in 183 years.

Based on the records of the Danish central bank, the government almost paid the loan back in the year 1894, that was the time when the total of FX debt was lower than 1 percent of the GDP.

Denmark had its first foreign debt during 1757 with a half a million worth of rigsdaler issued by Netherlands and Germany. Moreover, the external debt owed by the country expanded in order to finance 19th-century wars. Despite the repayment, the sovereign state is not fully clear from debt, except for all krone-denominated concerns.

The debt-to-GDP ratio of the state as a whole is considered one of the least among the list of major economies in the European region, accumulated 38 percent and projected to drop about 36 percent for next year announced by the European Commission.

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