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Iranian Year is a Year of “Economy of Resistance”, Khamenei Says

марта, 21 2017
watermark Economic news

The supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have reiterated on Monday for a call of a “resistance economy” which underlines the domestic production. Khamenei further mentioned that officials should also prioritize major concerns in relation to jobs and youth employment. He added that economic problems, inclusive of discrimination, inflation, social imparity and unemployment, causes people to feel bitterness particularly those in the working class.

The 77-year old leader addresses May elections which involve the possible second term of  President Hassan Rouhani, even though he currently faces extensive criticism from conservatives due to the stagnant economic condition.

Rouhani administration was able to sustain the economy from the time he was in the position in 2013. The inflation was trimmed by 40 percent and lower than 10 percent while global sanctions were depleted by means of a nuclear agreement with the world powers. However, members of Iran Conservatives doubt the benefits of the nuclear deal concessions.

On the other hand, Rouhani attempt to justify his accomplishments after the broadcast made by Khamenei.

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