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People Rush in Que for Indonesia Tax Amnesty Program

марта, 31 2017
watermark Economic news

In early Friday before dawn, the government tax amnesty program of Indonesia had attracted hundreds of people to the main tax office in the country. They joined before the deadline ends accumulating up to $360 billion worth of assets has been declared. The tax office staff said that they would accommodate the flock of people up to the last minute as Ken Dwijugiasteadi, director general of taxes at Indonesia's finance ministry, announced that office hours will open until nine o’clock in the evening including banks.

The amnesty program was implemented in 2016 in line with the plan of President Joko Widodo to solve budget deficit and to recover unrepatriated money that was kept hidden in overseas assets. The country’s tax amnesty program tops the list as the most successful in the world with the volume of revenue gained. They have gathered as much as 128 trillion rupiah equivalent 6.61 billion at the beginning of Friday.  

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