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Australian House Values Surged by 1.4 percent in March

апреля, 03 2017
watermark Economic news

The housing prices in the main cities in Australia accelerated in March with the fastest growth in annual basis nearly in seven years.

According to a CoreLogic, California-based property consultant, the house price index from the major towns rose to 1.4 percent in the previous month versus the gain of the other month.

Moreover, the annual growth rate of prices ascended to 12.9 percent from its previous figures of 11.7 percent. The result beat the past highest point in 2015 as well as the fastest pace recorded in May 2010.

This event triggered concerns of Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) based on speculations that it was fueled by debt which could affect banks and consumers eventually.

The central bank implemented more constricted guidelines on investments and interest-only mortgages as a means to ease the market. The RBA further increased interest rates and blamed regulatory costs.

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