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Turkey Inflation Rates Reached Double Digit After 5 years

апреля, 03 2017
watermark Economic news

The price for the Annual consumer price increased as high as 11.29 percent in the month of March as the country faced with economic problems as Lira dropped down and the surge in oil market which is the worst condition since 2008. This caused the inflation rates to reach double digits for the first time in five years.

The policymakers are being pressured as they try to stabilize the weakened currency and at the same time sustain the growth by the start of the year. Currently, the central bank targets inflation rates from 3 to 7 percent but the March result was not as expected with the 10.7 percent reading.

Although, the Lira has been secured in the past few months because of tightening in its monetary policy. The economic growth also has shown signs of recovery in its recent fourth quarterly GDP as it rose by 3.5 percent after a drop of 1.8 percent in the past quarter which has been the worst decreased since the financial crisis.

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