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Indian Economy to Accelerate by 7.4%, says ADB

апреля, 07 2017
watermark Economic news

The Indian economy is projected to increase by  7.4% amid the fiscal year 2017-2018 versus its previous growth of 7.1%. The boost occurred due to lift in public investment and demand in consumption goods based on the statement of Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Thursday.

According to the latest 2017 report of  Asian Development Outlook (ADO), 2016-17 GDP data failed to obtain the demonetization effects and the decline influenced the continuous slide of investments.

Moreover, ADO anticipates for the consumption to climb higher since there are additional bank notes set in the circulation following the shock withdrawal on highest-valued currencies happened on the 8th of November. The plan for an increase in salary and state employees pension were already implemented.

The ADB further expected the acceleration to 5.2% in the current year till 2018 while 5.4% in the coming 2018-19 considering the economic recovery along with the rebound of commodity prices.

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