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Russia Ranked Third Among Military Spenders

апреля, 25 2017
watermark Economic news

Based on a study issued on Monday, the Russian Federation ranked third with high expenditures on the military during 2016. Even though the country experience low-cost in oil and economic penalties due to increase in global expenditure after two successive years

The country’s spending reached $69.2 billion last year which is 5.9% higher in 2015 as shown in the report of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

During the year 2015, Saudi Arabia ranked third, however, settled in the fourth place in 2016 after its outlay declined by 30 percent or equal to $63.7 billion. Even if the desert country had a continuous engagement in regional wars.

Moreover, the United States preserved its position as the top spender with 1.7% raise amid 2015-16 to $611 billion. China, on the other hand, had lifted its spending funds by 5.4 percent to $215 billion which is relatively lower.

The total military spending of the Central Europe boosted by 2.4% last year.

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