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Sweden-Maharashtra Collaboration For Climate Issues

апреля, 26 2017
watermark Economic news

The Kingdom of Sweden seems eager to join forces with Maharashtra with regards to waste disposal, urban development, and renewable resources.

Eva Svedling, Swedish climate deputy minister had a meeting with chief minister Devendra Fadnavis along with the state environment minister Ramdas Kadam to discuss the partnership about global warming and its solutions.

There are roughly 100 firms in Sweden have already prepared advanced solutions for air quality, energy sources, public transport and waste disposal whereas these operating companies could underpin this clean agent, according to Svedling.

The visit she made indicates the continuity of pursuing the joint statement made by the Indian PM  Narendra Modi with Stefan Lofven as his counterpart in the Scandinavian country.

The long-term goals of Sweden are to minimize emissions up to 70 percent in the year 2030 from the level registered in 2010. They further aim to become the first country to be the fossil fuel-free by 2040 while the net zero carbon dioxide emissions are balanced in 2045.

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