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Oil Cut Production May Extend Beyond 2017, Says Minister of Saudi

мая, 08 2017
watermark Economic news

Khalid Al-Falih, oil minister of Saudi Arabia showed confidence with regards to the deal to limit output for crude oil and the oversupply reduction is going to be extended within 6 months or more.

Al-Falih further discussed during the Asia Oil and Gas Conference held in Kuala Lumpur last Monday that the growth of U.S shale production together with the closure of refinery maintenance have lessened the effect of cutback led by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries along its associates. Moreover, manufacturers are driven enough to achieve their target to drop in their bloated gasoline supplies. Nevertheless, he believes the world oil supply could still realign and revive its former healthy state.

The increasing U.S production place worries towards OPEC and its allies as it fails to minimize the market glut and expansion of prices.

The gains of oil were erased since the agreement made in the previous year to curb output. The OPEC meeting held in Vienna attended by various nations further supported the 6-month deal for the extension which will start in January. It would be the first time that the minister of Saudi to propose the extension beyond 2017.

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