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India’s Consumer Price Inflation Abates this April

мая, 11 2017
watermark Economic news

India’s inflation rate narrowed down because of lower food prices for the month of April. However, this would make it difficult to ease rates in the near future. Consumer price inflation is anticipated to maintain lower than the 4.0 percent medium target of the Reserve bank of India for the past six months.

It is predicted from a survey of economist that inflation in April will decline to a three-month low of 3.40 percent this month compared to the 3.81 in March. Yet, the central bank increased its inflation rate for fiscal 2017 to 2018 to reach 4.5 percent for the first half and 5.0 the second half of the year. An economist described the situation that even if the interest rate cut exceeded the 4 percent level in the next few months, the RBI will be cautious and would not cut rates since the current situation is stable.

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