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Germany Negotiate Wages Increased by 2.8 Percent

мая, 30 2017
watermark Economic news

The negotiated wages in Germany climbed by 2.8 percent in the first quarter which has significantly improved than the previous year according to the data released on Tuesday. These wages comprise of basic pay, one transaction settlement, yearly bonuses and back remuneration from salary deals. An estimated 17 million workers in Germany from companies who transact every one to two years.

In comparison, the present 2.8 percent growth from January to March is more than the long-term average of 2.5 percent than the last quarter of 2016. It also ascended at a faster rate than the 2.5 percent for the past five years indicating a rise in wage growth from a 2.2 percent elevation in the fourth quarter last year. It exceeded that increase in consumer costs augmenting by 1.9 percent in the same period implying that households have more disposable income amid a rising inflation.

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