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Japan Economy Grew by 0.6 Percent Due to Capital Spending

июня, 02 2017
watermark Economic news

The Japanese economy is seen to grow at a faster rate than expected in the first quarter which was supported by an increase in corporate capital spending. It grew by 2.4 percent, higher than the previous forecast of 2.2 percent equivalent to 0.6 percent growth, up from the 0.5 percent gain in the preliminaries. This attests to the recovery of Japan driven by exports as the global economy is improving that at the same time crosses with capital spending. Although when it comes to household spending, people are still careful because of slow progress in wage growth.

The economy is expected to resume its growth because of high offshore demand but with associated risks because of Trump administration and China's economy. For the latest account is scheduled to be released next week which is anticipated to reflect weakened trade surplus while the GDP data will be released on June 8.

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