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German Economic Sentiment Remains Steady According to ZEW

декабря, 14 2016
watermark Economic news

The economic sentiment for Germany remained constant for this month as it was supported by a better-than-expected economic growth which is predicted to last for the next six months, as it was stated in the economic research made by ZEW on Tuesday. The research center mentioned that the sentiment results is 13.8 points for December which is similar to November's figure. But for the past four months, the economic outlook rose consecutively.

The forecast from The Wall Street Journal is 14.8 points which are below the final outcome, the same with the survey for long-term average which resulted in 24.0 points.

Achim Wambach, the President of ZEW said that the tensions in the banking sector of Italy, as well as the political dilemma in Europe, have toned down at this time.

The monthly survey of ZEW includes the evaluation from institutional investors and investment analysts, however, profuse economists opt to rely on major economic indicators like PPI to measure the current condition of Europe.

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