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Ifo Raise Economic Forecast for Germany

июня, 21 2017
watermark Economic news

The Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Germany had revised its projections regarding the increase in the country’s GDP for 2017 until 2018. The job sector must maintain its strong stance and trade surplus should expand based on predictions of think tank.

This year it is expected to gain 1.8 percent of growth in GDP compared with the previous outlook of 1.5 percent. While forecast for next year also increased by 2.0 percent which is higher than the prediction beforehand that accounts to 1.8 percent

The Munich-based institution presumed that the total laborers in the economic powerhouse of Europe will continue to surge with 43.6 million recorded in 2016, reaching 44.62 million for the current year while 2018 will obtain 44.6 million based on forecasts.

In addition to it, the unemployed workers will be lessened by 2.5 million for this period and 2.4 million for upcoming year while declined by 2.7 million during 2016. Therefore, unemployment percentage had an overall downturn which is from  6.1 percent to 5.7 percent and 5.5 percent by next year.

Furthermore, the Ifo institute anticipated that the budget surplus of the German government will fall from 26.4 billion euros down to 19.1 billion euros during the election. Nevertheless, forecast says it will continue to rise till next year around 22.9 billion euros.

The current account of the country further benefited the surplus which includes investments, trade flows and other transfer payments made between different countries, hence this transaction will keep on going.

According to estimates, the surplus will soar (under some conditions) by 261 billion euros up to 265 billion euros this year and  279 billion euros in 2018. However, economic production would mainly be stagnant at 8.3 percent approximately.

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