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China Agrees to Discuss FTA with Mexico

июня, 29 2017
watermark Economic news

China is taking into account a free-trade agreement with Mexico which was officially reported from Xinhua news agency. This will be a good stimulus for the South American country as its deals with the United States is confronted with risks.

There have been no actual discussions yet, although both nations are open talking about the free-trade agreement. This will be a relevant relationship when successful as Mexico is the second - biggest trading associate of China while the Asian country as the second -largest trading partner globally. Both nations are invested in creating a deep-rooted and stronger tie.

They have strengthened their ties since last year when the U.S. has withdrawn from the involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  

Trump put in jeopardy their ties with Mexico that put pressure to lessen reliance on the United States as it abandons the NAFTA between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. However, the country has conveyed confidence with the renegotiation of NAFTA. Nevertheless, this is a potential stimulus for Mexico that has been in an “off-and-on- trade relationship”.

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