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Bank of Korea Keep Rates at Record Low 1.25 pc

июля, 13 2017
watermark Economic news

The South Korea’s central bank kept its base rate steady, for the 13th consecutive month on Thursday, with a record low of 1.25 percent. The decision was mainly anticipated since policy committee urge to expand the subdued personal consumption and hold the idea of tightening off the table at this moment.

The policy makers of the central bank of Korea retained its key rate KROCRT=ECI unchanged, stated by a media official without any additional details. Bank Governor, Lee Ju-yeol is scheduled to conduct a press con at 11:20 a.m. (0220 GMT).

Reuters polled 20 economists and all of them predicted that the BOK will stick to its position, underlining the sluggish stance on consumer expenditure coupled with the lackluster growth in employment taking some of the shine off constant profits from exports.

Most of the experts assumed that the bank will keep on hold until the year end and expects for some step to stabilize rates for 2018.

The consumer price inflation of the country had toned down from the 2.2 percent highs in March to 1.9 percent recorded in June, the result is marginally low against the 2 percent target of the bank.

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