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Google will spend a billion euros to combat CO2

августа, 31 2021
watermark Economic news

Over the next decade, the American corporation Google intends to invest about a billion euros in digital infrastructure and the expansion of the use of clean energy in Europe. The company also noted that it intends to use clean energy around the clock at all campuses around the world.

The company said that as part of the plan, Google will invest around € 1 billion in digital infrastructure and clean energy in Germany between 2021 and 2030 between 2021 and 2030. The corporation has signed a clean energy purchase agreement with Engie that will help ensure that Google's German businesses operate nearly 80% on carbon-free energy on an hourly basis from 2022.

As part of the agreement, Google will also identify ways other companies in Europe can use to support the decarbonisation of businesses in the region. In addition, Engie will develop a portfolio of carbon-free energy sources on behalf of Google. The companies will purchase electricity from 23 renewable energy projects in five regions of Germany.

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