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Trump criticized cryptocurrencies again

сентября, 01 2021
watermark Economic news

Former US President Donald Trump in his speech on the air of Varney & Co said that investing in cryptocurrencies is a «potential disaster.»  Trump also added that he is not a fan of cryptocurrencies, does not invest in bitcoins and calls for investments in the American currency.

According to the ex-president of the United States, investing in cryptocurrencies harms the dollar, since bitcoin generally looks more like a «scam», and the euphoria around this cryptocurrency weakens the dollar. Trump boldly reiterated that «the dollar should be the currency of this world.» However, as long as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remain unregulated in the US financial system, they pose a threat to the US dollar and reduce its value. In addition, according to him, cryptocurrencies can be fake, and few people know what they are.

During his tenure as President of the United States, Trump has maintained both the weakness and the strength of the dollar. When the dollar weakened, it was more profitable and cheaper for foreign countries to buy American goods. Trump has also frequently accused China of deliberately undervaluing its currency, the renminbi, in order to reduce the cost of exports.

The head of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Gary Gensler shared a slightly more positive view of the crypto market, who noted that he supports digital currencies, but believes that this industry should be within the framework of laws related to money laundering, tax compliance and investor protection.

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