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Mastercard buys an analytical company in the field of cryptocurrency

сентября, 09 2021
watermark Economic news

MasterCard Inc., one of the world's largest credit card companies, is buying CipherTrace, a leading cryptocurrency analysis company. Mastercard is confident that this will significantly expand its capabilities in the field of digital assets.

The company notes that the acquisition of CipherTrace is part of its digital asset strategy, which aims to provide customers with more options for transactions with virtual currencies. Earlier, as part of this strategy, Mastercard has already entered into partnership agreements with Uphold, Gemini and BitPay.

The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. All that is known is that the deal will be closed before the end of 2021, subject to certain conditions.

CipherTrace is engaged in analysis in the field of cryptocurrencies, combining virtual currency and financial services together with solutions for financial investigations and fraud protection.

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