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Technological Advancement Impact to Monetary Policies

июля, 24 2017
watermark Economic news

Development in the Information Technology sector and rising adaptability of the labor market in the past years has unsurprisingly curb inflation which could significantly affect monetary policy according to the ECB Executive board member Yves Mersch on Monday. He mentioned that advancement in logistics allowed the growth of value chains and e-commerce globally. It has improved the transparency of pricing domestically and across countries.

These modifications in labor sector could indicate that inflation occurs at a quicker rate with a lower employment in the past that affects the relationship between employment and wage growth and eventually affect the monetary policy. Hence, Mersch points out how improvement in technology reacts to “shocks”, the transition from the exchange rate movement into inflation and its influence from the local community towards global advancement and rise in prices.

These raises concern on the efficacy of ECB’s policies to bring back its price growth to its target. Hence, actions are planned for long-term financial management to meet the obstacle come along the way. Although, these policies are deemed to be unnecessary when conditions stabilize.

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