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IMF Cut growth forecast for US Economy

июля, 25 2017
watermark Economic news

The International Monetary Fund downgraded its growth outlook for the United States due to concerns regarding Trump’s capacity to carry out his promises to the economy to stir the American economy.

Although the Washington-based organization provided a positive forecast in April, they had trim it down to 2.1 percent for this year and based on earlier projections for 2018, the US economy will gain 2.3 and 2.5 percent growth.

While the global growth was held at 3.5 percent in 2017 and 3.6 percent for the next year according to the prediction of IMF managing director Christine Lagarde and described it as "quite well anchored".

However, based on the World Economic Update, the IMF mentioned about the uncertainty towards the policies of President Donald Trump since it is a major factor in the leery growth projections for the US.

Pres. Donald Trump got the presidential position six months ago, citing his plans about tax reductions, looser regulation and major infrastructure spending which triggered a rally on Wall Street. But the policies were stalled in the US Congress as the government continues to battle over other issues, like health care reform.

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