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Employment in the UK has reached a record

октября, 12 2021
watermark Economic news

According to the Bureau of National Statistics (ONS) of the UK, the number of employees working in the staff of British companies reached a record high in September, jumping by 297 thousand people amid the recovery of the country's economy. 

The unemployment rate in June-August decreased to 4.5% (from 4.6% in May-July). These data coincided with analysts' expectations. A year earlier, unemployment in the country was also at the level of 4.5%.

The average salary in June-August increased by 7.2% y/y after a jump of 8.3% in the period from May to July. Excluding bonuses and bonuses, the indicator increased by 6%.

Such strong statistics provided food for thought to the Bank of England, which is preparing to raise the key rate. Experts note that the British regulator may be the first of the world's leading central banks to raise the key rate, which is currently at 0.1%.

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