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China-US trade and North Korea Nuclear Issues are Different

августа, 01 2017
watermark Economic news

According to a senior Chinese trade official, the concerns regarding the deal between the United States and China should be set apart from the security menace of the North Korea.

Vice Commerce Minister of China, Qian Keming spoke that the Chinese economy acquired massive advantages in their consensus with the USA, however, did not get any support in settling the dispute against the North Korea.

Qian underlined the mutual benefits they earned from trading and investing in the US, chiding the remarks of Trump about Beijing tend to abuse the liberal trade policies of U.S.

China is also the North's largest trading partner in terms of food and fuel. While there are Chinese firms that have a virtual monopoly on investments within the North Korean economy, especially in natural resources.

On Monday, Qian mentioned that China’s trade volume increased amid the months of January to June, versus the same period in 2016, closing a two-year decline. Moreover, the imports rose by 19.6 percent during the first half of 2017 as exports also grew by 25.7 percent.

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