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Bill Gates has signed a deal with Britain in the field of clean energy

октября, 19 2021
watermark Economic news

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates announced today a new collaboration in the field of clean energy. The value of the deal between the government and the billionaire-founded Breakthrough Energy Catalyst initiative is 200 million pounds.

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst is a program involving a partnership between the private and public sectors, and aimed at attracting investment in «green» technologies.

The partnership involves raising these funds from the private sector in the UK. Such investments will help significantly accelerate the development of the latest technologies in the field of ecology necessary to achieve zero emissions by 2050.

It is noted that earlier the British government has already committed to allocate at least 200 million pounds for the development of projects in these areas, which is part of a total program of 1 billion pound.

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