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Indicators Remains Positive Amid Anxious Market

августа, 07 2017
watermark Economic news

Asian investors are anxious to the stock market since currencies have accelerated to high and too fast. They are considering whether money has to be put on hold. Although, this sentiment is not reflected market volatility and fear. The indicators are not in red or orange which indicates risks and too high levels in various sectors including economic, political or corporate. They are all denoting that riskier assets are still safe to invest on even if there is a threat between the disagreement between the U.S., China, and North Korea.

The market is cautious that the Asian export earning could collapse with a weaker dollar and high exchange rates would affect global growth which still lingers in the minds of investors. Although some strategist is saying that rates are already anticipated to move high and the bull market reigns in a cheaper money from various central banks that support this.

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