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Bill Gates: Abandoning nuclear power could lead to problems with energy supply

октября, 29 2021
watermark Economic news

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that abandoning nuclear power could lead to serious problems with electricity supply, for example, to an increase in electricity prices and difficulties with its supply.

In his interview, Gates noted: «Shutting down nuclear reactors will make it difficult to ensure reliable electricity supplies and favorable prices.» Speaking about the transition to renewable energy sources, he also said that no solution can be ruled out until the costs and reliability are checked.

The head of Microsoft is concerned about whether there will be a new generation of nuclear power plants that will be better in terms of costs, safety and disposal. According to Gates, he is now financing an enterprise that is building a new, fourth-generation nuclear reactor.

At the same time, Bill Gates spoke negatively about the construction of gas power plants in Europe. In his opinion, gas is not a real transition technology. At the same time, Gates stressed that the world will continue to consume a lot of natural gas until emissions of harmful substances fall to zero.

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