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U.S. Job Openings Soared to 6.2 Million in June

августа, 09 2017
watermark Economic news

There are about 6.2 million jobs available in the U.S. as companies are searching for new employees. The number of job openings rose to 417,000 for private sector while there are 44,000 postings for government vacancies including state and local government as stated by the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) from the Labor department. Since April 2015,  the jobs data has started to rise during the recession as it moves over the years.

Although, the job vacancies varies for every industry. In particular, those job opening includes education and health-services related industry, and professional and business services which have significantly increased in openings compared before the recession.

The report implies the stagnant hiring situation despite a surge in job openings. This has been happening for years and has risen fastly while the actual hiring has been flat since 2014.  

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