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The inflation rate in Sweden has reached record levels since 2008

ноября, 15 2021
watermark Economic news

According to Statistics Sweden (SCB), the country's inflation rate has reached a record high since 2008 and amounted to 3.1% in October. Inflation in September was fixed at 2.8%.

Analysts believe that such a significant increase in prices in the country may be due to the easing of restrictions imposed due to Covid-19. SCB noted a significant increase in prices for fuel, food, as well as goods and services.

The Central Bank of Sweden expects that high inflation in the country will be temporary. At the same time, the regulator noted the risks that such an indicator of the inflation rate may last for a longer period of time.

According to Statistics Sweden, from October 2019 to June 2021, inflation in the country did not exceed 2.5%. Then, in the autumn of 2021, the indicator began to grow, reaching a peak in October. In 2008, inflation in Sweden was 3.3%.

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