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Price growth in Sweden has broken a record

декабря, 14 2021
watermark Economic news

According to Statistics Sweden, inflation in the country in November reached its highest in almost 30 years amid rising electricity and fuel prices. 

It is noted that the inflation rate, according to the change in the consumer price index over the last 12-month period, amounted to 3.6% in November compared with 3.1% in October. The last time such figures were recorded was in December 1993.

At the same time, it is possible that in December the inflation growth may be even more significant and it may approach 4%. But in 2022, according to experts, this indicator should decrease.

Analysts specify that the contribution of energy resources amounted to about 1.8 percentage points, which corresponds to almost half of the inflation rate in November 2021. 

As we know, the European Union has faced a significant increase in gas prices, which has led to an increase in the price of electricity. And this, in turn, puts pressure on consumers and the economy. Low gas levels in storage facilities before the start of the heating season were also one of the reasons for the increased prices.

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